This site is a celebration of reggae music in general and a revival of my book REGGAE (cover -->) of 1979 in particular. The book was published 30 years ago in Norwegian (and remains in Norwegian here). Norway may be an unlikely place to promote reggae music in the broad sense of rub-a-dub and street disco sound as I do in my book. The country is a fridge. No outdoor life. And in 1979, hardly a black person to be seen. (They were there, they just weren’t seen.) I first went to Jamaica in 1978 to find out ”all” about reggae music in order to write a book. I was 25 at the time, confident and quite inexperienced. READ MORE....
To illustrate and enhance the chapters of the book this celebration features fair use music samples of 30 seconds and some of the great coverart of the period +YouTube videos on pagebottoms whenever I could find a good presentation in the same vein.
BOOK in Norwegian - with summaries in English - starts below
Porten til Reggaeland
Jeg sverger på at jeg fremdeles var upåvirket av rusmidler da bilen pløyde seg en vanvittig vei mellom bikkjer og søppelkasser i en retning jeg ikke hadde noen forutsetning for å danne meg en mening om. Langs gatene så jeg fartsstripene av bølgeblikkgjerder og rasende politiske slagord, knuste ruter og søvnige ansamlinger av menn og motorsykler.
Mitt siste faste holdpunkt var to timer tidligere da jeg traff bilens fører i Randy’s platesjappe. LES MER.
ENGLISH ONLY? Then you can skip (most of) the norwegian text by starting HERE